
Layla Messner sitting on a vintage yj Jeep, wearing a dress printed with her colorful art. Photo by Kelly's Perspective

We talk about nature as if it's a destination. We call it "Outside." But humans are animals. We are as much a part of nature as wildlife is, and we all have a right to express our natural selves the way wild animals do.

INSTINCT by Láyla Messner

Layla Messner, The Instinctual Woman, bathing in a mountain stream by Kelly Russell

My art is process-oriented. I'm exploring what it means to be wild, natural, connected to my instincts. To trust my own impulses, body, and movements.

My work is characterized by...
~ Wild & Uninhibited
~ Gestural
~ Nature
~ Balance (geometric shapes vs organic textures; complexity vs space)
~ Instinctual Transmission

To experience the series, please book your Virtual Studio Visit.




Interested in owning one of my original paintings? Book a Virtual Studio Visit.

Nature portraits of the artist by @kellys.perspective